Reuben Pereira

Publications: The Pereira Post Letterboxd: @reubixcube Twitter: @Reubixcube Email Reuben Born and raised in Abu Dhabi to parents of Indian heritage, Reuben is a South Florida-based film critic whose writing has encompased film reviews, local and national film news, the  film and television awards season, and box office. An active member of the FFCC since […]

Rene Rodriguez

Publications:, The Miami Herald Twitter: @ReneMiamiHerald Email Rene   Rene Rodriguez has been The Miami Herald’s movie critic since 1995. Before then, he was a general assignment arts writer and worked on the paper’s city desk. He has also written about film for Variety, the New York Times Sunday Magazine, the New York Post […]

Connie Ogle

Publications: The Miami Herald Twitter: @OgleConnie Email Connie   Connie Ogle’s mother swears she began reading books in her crib at the ripe age of 6 months. She’s been working at The Miami Herald since the Palm Beach bureau had a bar in the lobby (let’s just call it the late ‘80s) and has been […]