FFCC members on ‘Suspiria’

FFCC members on Luca Guadagnino’s remake of Suspiria.
John Thomason, Boca Raton Magazine
“Central to Guadagnino’s dark thesis is the discomforting idea that great art often comes at the expense of great suffering, and that said art, when placed into the wrong hands, can be weaponized for evil. This is where the film’s particular setting comes in. It’s no accident it’s staged in ‘70s Berlin, where the wounds of the Holocaust have far from healed.”
Hans Morgenstern, Independent Ethos
“A direct comparison would be unfair. That said, Guadagnino’s version will probably never achieve the cult following of the original, for it’s overlong, ponderous and takes itself way too seriously to be loved in any similar fashion as the original.”
Ruben Rosario, Punch Drunk Movies
“This sinister yarn might be overlong and bulky, but to this convert, never less than mesmerizing. It pulls off a cathartic exorcism, as it takes you by the hand and invites you to surrender to its danse macabre.”