Ruben Peralta Rigaud

Publications: Cocalecas, Listín Diario, Nota Clave, Cultura Colectiva, Sensa Cine, Cineasta

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Rubén Peralta Rigaud was born in Santo Domingo in 1980. Doctor in Medicine by profession, and writer of cinematographic reviews, he was the host of a daily radio show named “Cineasta Radio” for three years, as well as a collaborator of Cineasta print magazine since 2010 and editor/writer of the portal He gave talks on cinematographic appreciation and was part of the jury at the Miami Film Festival.

Currently, apart from the two mentioned media, he also collaborates for the Mexican websites Cultura Colectiva and SensaCine, for the digital newspaper Nota Clave and for the film section of the printed newspaper Listin Diario, both in the Dominican Republic.

He has found hundreds of enemies by defending Steven Spielberg’s films and claiming that “Casablanca” is the best movie of all time. Do you want to join the debate?

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